আপনার ওয়ার্কশপ আপডেট করুন

Need top-quality garage equipment and expert installation?

Khan Multi Brand has you covered! We supply, install, and provide training on a wide range of garage equipment. With our skilled team and commitment to customer satisfaction, we ensure that your garage is equipped with the best tools and that your staff is fully trained to use them efficiently. Whether you're upgrading or starting from scratch,
সমগ্র বাংলাদেশে সেবা - পৌঁছানো সহ

How we provide our best Garage Equipment in Bangladesh!

In the 3 stages mentioned below, we protect the dignity of your trust and confidence in us and try to be there in any need.

Coordinate with Order

After receiving your purchase order, the product decision is finalized after an inspection according to your workshop or garage needs.

Source or Supply Product

Whether the product is in the store or not, as per your list, if not, we monitor all stages until the product reaches the country.

Installation and Guidance

After the products reach, we complete installation process and provide necessary guidance and support.

Need Help Finding The Right Garage Equipment?

আজই উত্পাদনশীলতাকে সুপারচার্জ করুন, সবকিছু আপনার নখদর্পণে।